JMT Technology Group is Presenting at the National GIS-T Conference
JMT Technology Group is excited to announce that we will be delivering three presentations at the national Geospatial Information Systems for Transportation (GIS-T) Symposium this year. Hosted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and considered the most important meeting for the transportation GIS community, GIS-T provides an opportunity to exchange insights and explore cutting-edge advancements in the space.
This year the conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, and JMT Technology Group isn't just presenting, we will also be exhibiting! Stop by booth #26 and say hi if you will be at the conference.

Using GIS to Streamline Philadelphia Streets Department's Hauling Permit Review Process
April 3, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm Augusta Ballroom AB (Augusta Level, 7th Floor)
Bob Pliszka, PMP, GISP
JMT Technology Group and the Philadelphia Streets Department worked together to enhance their existing comprehensive bridge geodatabase containing all navigable bridges within Philadelphia. JMT Technology Group then created an intuitive and interactive GIS-based route validation application that provides hauling permit applicants with the ability to construct the route to be traversed while providing validation and warning messages when inappropriate streets are selected.
This presentation will provide an overview of how the route validation application is helping the City improve the hauling permit review process. In addition, the presentation will include an overview of the bridge geodatabase and the Esri-based map interface that serves as the main component of the application.

Streamlining Pavement Data Processing for ODOT's HPMS Submittals Using Custom Geospatial Software
April 4, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am Augusta Ballroom FGH (Augusta Level, 7th Floor)
Phill Izenson, PMP
JMT Technology Group in collaboration with the team at ODOT developed ODOT’s Highway Network Data Application (HNDA) to import pavement condition data from Pathway Services’ PathView software and interactively process the data using a series of incremental data validation and logical consistency tests. The system imports batch files, flags potential areas of concern in the data, validates the data, and generates reports. This allows ODOT to efficiently process pavement condition data, identify and resolve issues, and report the best available pavement condition data for a particular roadway.
This presentation will cover the challenges faced by the ODOT team that led to the development of the HNDA system, an overview of the system, and how it is tied to the HPMS data submittal.

Managing DelDOT's ADA Compliance Using Technology & GIS
April 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am Augusta Ballroom CD (Augusta Level, 7th Floor)
Bob Pliszka, PMP, GISP
JMT Technology Group in collaboration with the team at DelDOT developed an application to mitigate the reliance on static data from manually recorded inspection spreadsheets and PDF documents. ADA Compliance and Inspection Application (ACIA) allows Engineering Support’s Project Compliance Technician inspectors to perform inspections of ADA Facilities through a laptop or tablet. ACIA provides support for multiple facility inspection types, the ability to manage task assignments, and the generation of inspection and project reports for all ADA facilities that fall within DelDOT’s responsibility.
This presentation will cover the ADA Transition Plan requirements of DelDOT and review how technology and GIS supports the inspection and reporting required to continually make progress against the plan.